Web Changes
February 19th, 2008:
Home page updated to fix rollover of visit counter.
Downloads page updated to include directory link.
January 20th, 2005:
Online ordering information page changed to direct customers to our
distributor, Saelig.
Home page updated to remove some of the "new" references.
Downloads page updated to more clearly reflect current software version
(for driver downloads).
USBLPT-PD11x products moved to new "Discontinued Products" page.
October 8th, 2003:
New USB-I2C/IO software posted, with link on home page (only).
August 8th, 2003:
Fixed problem with the API User's Guide link on the "release.htm"
Added information to the USB-I2C/IO design reference page regarding the
boards mechanical dimensioning, and mating connector part numbers.
September 27th, 2002:
!!! IMPORTANT !!! - Posted updated version of
"usbi2cio.h" header file. This version fixes a severe problem
that some users were encountering when incorporating the header file into
their projects. Please read the update information
and download the updated header file.
Updated the USB-I2C/IO "API
User's Guide" document.
September 19th, 2002:
Fixed several hyperlinks, and cleaned up the pages for the USB-I2C/IO board (somewhat).
April 19th, 2002:
Added USB-I2C/IO Rev. B page (i2ciob.htm) to document changes and provide production status for those customers waiting for
USB-I2C/IO boards.
June 1st, 2001:
Updated USBI2CIO.SYS (driver) to fix a problem where I2C read transactions
were limited to only 16 bytes. The fixed driver supports I2C reads of up
to 64 bytes. The new driver file is contained in the drivers.zip file.
Added thumbnails to "Products" page, and some hyperlinks on home
Added "Project Delphi" link.
May 29th, 2001:
Updated information for USBLPT-PD11x products, including John Hyde's white
paper on "Learning USB by Doing" which describes the use of the
'PD11x boards as part of a low cost USB development environment.
May 18th, 2001:
Added the pcdev.pdf file and hyperlinks
(to it) for the USBLPT-PD11x boards.
Added contact information to services page, cleaned up descriptive
Added STORE button to navigation bar.
May 16th, 2001:
Fixed the hyperlinks to the UsbI2cIo.dll and UsbI2cIo.lib files on the
"release" web page.
May 15th, 2001:
Added USBMan web site to "Links" page.
Provided some updated files for the USB I2C/IO board, including a new
hex file (firmware) and a much smaller version of John Hyde's LoadEz.sys
file. These files are contained in the "drivers.zip"
file. The new firmware file (0ABF03E8.hex) contains some I2C
specific fixes, including the missing support for 8 bit extended
addressing transactions, and a fix for single byte reads.
Temporarily discontinued support of International shipping via
FedEx. This is due to FedEx's inept policies regarding
"Bill Recipient" for shipping and import duties, which have
resulted in a series of surprise invoices for us... usually months after
the shipments actually occurred. International shipping is
still provided via the USPS, which we have found to be less expensive,
more reliable, and just as fast.
May 9th, 2001:
Added some preliminary information and photos for our two new products,
the USBLPT-PD11, and the USBLPT-PD11D.
Added support for payment via American Express.
Provided some updated files for the USB I2C/IO board, including a
complete Visual C example project.
Added link to USB I2C/IO software page from the Downloads page.
March 26th, 2001:
Enabled online ordering via our SSL secured storefront.
Added links to USB I2C/IO for schematic, software, and ordering.
January 25th, 2001:
Added preliminary information for our USB I2C/IO
product to the "Products" section.
Added the owner's two winning entries in Circuit Cellar magazines
"Design 2K" contest to the "Recent Media
Coverage" section.
March 13th, 2000:
New web site format posted!