Debug Voyeur

A debug utility for the DeVaSys USB I2C/IO board.

About Debug Voyeur:

Debug Voyeur is a debugging utility that provides a mechanism for monitoring what the USB I2C/IO device firmware is doing.   DbgVoy can open a handle to the same board as your application .  You can then use DbgVoy to monitor what transactions are being executed at the USB I2C/IO board as a result of your applications API calls.

Debug Voyeur Application ScreenShot

Installation Instructions:

Download either the small or large version of the setup program (zip file).  The smaller version does not contain the VB6.0 runtime libraries..

Extract the files using an unzip utility into a temporary directory.

Run the setup program.

Download Files:

The Debug Voyeur application was written using Visual Basic 6.0 and require the standard VB 6.0 dlls (dynamically linked libraries) in order to execute.  If you do not have the standard VB 6.0 dll files, you will need to download the large version of the setup programs.  If you already have the standard VB 6.0 dlls then you can download the smaller version of the setup program.    If you are a more experienced Windows user, don't need the dlls, and don't need a setup program, then you can just download the application exe files.

Large version of Debug Voyeur setup program (includes VB6 dlls, 1.44MB):

Small version of Debug Voyeur setup program (no VB6 dlls, 304KB):

Debug Voyeur executable (executable only, 64KB):   DbgVoy.exe